Thursday, December 14, 2006

I think we have a problem...

I have a great concern when I read news articles like this one:
"Federal regulators announced Wednesday that additional warnings about suicide risks associated with antidepressant drugs are needed. But the proposed label changes wouldn't apply to the majority of patients who take the mood-altering drugs."
As a youth worker, and at least half of all the young people I work with taking some type of anti-depressant or the like without first being told that this isn't a miracle drug is a real concern.
It concerns me that health systems are often overly reactive looking just at the outcome, which in this case is depression. People are not told that antidepressants will not fix everything; the fact that a person was raped or physically/emotionally abused as a child does not seem to impact on anything.

Then to hear that antidepressants are a major link to suicide and that they should carry warnings...

If this is a concern to you, then I plead with you, pray, and don't just pray, act; I think as Christians and people seeking truth it is a worthy cause to champion; people need community. Community, where it is safe to be broken, and then to grow.

Another concern but one I'll only comment on is the title of the newspaper article
"FDA warnings won't hurt antidepressants"
That all that is the real concern is that the ass end may fall out of the business.

Monday, December 11, 2006

It's ok...

I read this today on the Servants of Asia web site. Again another challenge.
This previous month for me has been one of discovery. For the first time in a long time, I have been in a place of having the chance to hear my Spirit and to hear God.
Knowing how to remain in this place is so difficult. Having the will to want to stay there seems impossible. Even in the moment, it seems like such a weak connection, one hijacked by ‘drivenness’, pride and ego.
Ben Pangas said to me last night:
"We prefer the illusion of control than the uncertainty of relationship."
The more I discover myself, the more I can see clearly how driven I am, and how much of that drivenness I put into protecting and enhancing my self image/projection. It’s when I do that, that I drive God's Spirit in me deeper again.

Trusting God with myself isn't something that I do well. It's something I want to do. Trusting God isn't something I do well, but something I'm learning to do.

Monday, December 04, 2006

A couple of good reads about consumerism + an invite

Just thought I'd add a couple of really top thought provocing reads, one of them is here (thanks to urban monk for this one) and the other is here. I thought I would also extend an invite to all local readers to a TEAR evening in Launceston. Details of the event are as follows:

The Christmas Juggernaut is rumbling towards us but I reckon we can fit in one more TEAR meeting before it arrives.
You are most welcome to join us at the SU HQ (upstairs from the Pilgrim Uniting Church Office) at 34 Paterson St on Wednesday 13th at 7pm. If you haven't been to a meeting yet don't worry they have been pretty randomly sprinkled through the calnedar.

On Wednesday, we'll be finding creative ways to swerve around the Consumer-fest of Christmas and to embrace the simplicity and surprise of Jesus' birth. Please let me know if you can come.

(none of the above italics are my words so if you have any questions ring the Launceston TEAR office.)

Friday, December 01, 2006

reading and general thoughts

I've been getting stuck into Ash Barkers latest book 'Surrender All - A call to sub-merge with Christ'
I have found it a book that really rattles my cage. I wanted to share a small part out of it that I read last night.

“Anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski claims there is a difference between magic and true religion. Magic attempts to manipulate spiritual forces so that the supplicant can get what the supplicant wants. But true religion is about surrendering to God so that God can do through the supplicant what God wants. The rich young ruler will not surrender all to Jesus and his lack of obedience is evidence that he is more about magic than true faith."

This statement reminded me of something that I heard Steve Said say once. Generally speaking, as Christians we don't have a theology but rather a mythology.

I don't have conclusions or answers or opinions, I'll just leave it out there...