Wednesday, November 07, 2007

well well well...

Gez I thought a month was a long time since blogging. This has been probably one of the strangest periods of my life... possibly.
Mel and I have found ourselves in a strange place spiritually. Our uneasy feeling was partly given voice by a beautiful book called; "The Education of Little Tree." It was truely wonderful. A simple story about a small cherokee boy who at 5 goes and lives with his Cherokee grandparents. It spoke to me about a spirituality that I long to have, one that is grounded, engaged and active with the cyclic world that God placed me within. In this though a new journey has started in finding 'religious' actions which lead us towards God and others. A journey that I hope to come from the very depths of me. One that I don't want to start, but one that I'm keen to kick off.
It is interesting what consumes me though, Even though my pursuit is for God, anger and work and general life gets well in the way, the fight for God continues to get drowned out by busy tasks.
ahhhh - not going to proof read just post this sucka it's time to go shopping and I'm running late.