Thursday, November 30, 2006

Rabbits for sale and New Friends

Yesterday morning Mel opened the door to a young woman and her 8-year-old son from across the road, with eyes wet from tears asking Mel if she had seen any dogs go into her yard. As it turned out while at school with her son for the recess period some dogs had broken into their rabbit hutch, killed, and eaten his rabbits.

I feel honoured that God would bring simple opportunities to connect with broken people around us. The hurts in this young single mother’s life do not start and end with dead rabbits, but our friendship with this family started with dead rabbits.

On my way through town yesterday morning long before I got the msg from Mel about the above story, I noticed a small sign amongst all the others, with delicate handwriting stating Rabbits for Sale.

That night after a meal together and many cuddles, a rabbit was chosen and named: Cutie Pie. Ours is called Kevin but that’s another story.

I know God is advancing his kingdom. I wonder how much of that advancement is done through might and power, and how much is done through little acts like buying a rabbit for a brokenhearted little boy and his mum. I also wonder how many little opportunities I miss everyday, while I'm busy looking for that single massive event, that is going to see mass conversions etc, and I can ride the wave of success all the way to the shore, tell the story of when I changed the world and all that other B.S. that comes with my ego.

"Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the Lord Almighty."
Zechariah 4:1-6

(I'll get a picture up on flickr later of Cutie Pie and his proud owner, oh and Kevin)

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

forge info session... SPREAD THE WORD

If you’re interested in learning more about Forge Mission Training here’s two ways to find out more

We will be hosting our final intern & coach gathering in Punchbowl Dec 2, 1pm-4pm. You’re more than welcome to come along and observe the graduation at 3pm

We will have an open info session from 4.15pm-5pm @ Punchbowl Christian Centre 100 Punchbowl Rd

Monday, November 20, 2006

Violence against myself

Yesterday I spent the afternoon with some mates who are caught up in someway or another with the juvenile justice system. Most are making ways forward out of the lifestyle, due to the risk of going to prison. It is no longer just the detention centre.
Yesterdays’ gathering was initiated by two of the guys who had hoped that we could sit together and share our faith journeys together with some of their mates. They wanted ‘church’ in some form, in their form. I know that if they can hold tight God is going to use these two.

However, in the environment within which they live, I feel completely exhausted. It isn’t something that allows for peace and rest. The reason I think that I feel this exhaustion is because of the constant barrage of anger/abuse within the group. It is something that apparently comes with the lifestyle. If don’t hold your own your nothing within the group.

Standing against that anger is not something that I find easy. Holding back my anger when I see injustices is something that I do not find easy. Let alone when someone is waving arrogance as banner right in my face. Every part of me wants to cut to size just because I know I can.

Reading this article really threatens me; only because when I read:
The minority of Christian churches (but as far as we can ascertain, all prior to Constantine) have instead embraced non-violence – a refusal to wage war or take up arms under any circumstances. This practice is based on a plain reading of the teachings of Jesus (especially Matthew 5:1-11 and 5:38-48, and on most of Paul's teaching – especially Romans 12:9-21).”
I know that it is right. I don’t know if others feel something twinge within them when they hear something that is true, but when I read that my heart sunk again, because I know I need to check my aggression, it’s not the way of Jesus.

Oh to be more like him…