Wednesday, September 05, 2007

wow a whole month and no blogging!!

What a month!
I'm going to make a list of everything that’s happened just to sort me out:
- I quit my job (only 9 days until the official end)
- I started another job, which has been great!
- Mel and I have started to implement a 24-hour period of rest. (We have had one, which we thoroughly enjoyed)
- We went dumpster diving and got HEAPS!
- Our neighbour finally had the operation that she has been waiting on for the last 5 months!
- Her son spent a week with us while she was recovering.
- I started (with the help of others) digging up the foundations for an outdoor area. I'm so soft!
- A young boy has been making a conscious effort to not hurt people.
- Aaron and I distilled my apple cider! Man that stuff will blow your socks off!
- I'm about to click over another year (23).
- I ate and wattle grub.
- A mum has been able to let her son leave her sight, know that he is safe and enjoy a little space to her self.
- Our friend was cleared from the doctors from having blood clots!
- I'm supposed to start running a couple of nights a week with some blokes from down the road. (I’m not sure what I’ve signed up for yet.
- I've done 15000 kms on my bike (I thought I’d have a new one by know ;) haha all dreams!)
- We met the mother of two of the girls who frequent our house.
- Chay is now 5 months old.
- We need to figure out either how to keep Fran (our dog) in our fence, or find a place that would be more suitable for her. She has too much energy! 
- Our neighbours returned safely from a 3-month 4WD trip.
- A young girl experienced not seeing anger or violence levelled at her (or anyone else) for an accident.
- I planted my corn, lettuces, radishes, snow peas, silver beat, and onion.

I'm sure there’s been more but that’s where I’m up to.
Mel and I have had a significant month in terms of our spirituality as well. Nothing cemented but I think there would be a measure of concern if it we cemented. It's been a pleasure just living actually, not that it's been easy, but it's enjoyable to look back and see the Spirit (love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance) in things. Life is a funny thing with plenty of stories to be told, and lives shared. I sometimes feel sad when I can enjoy it when there are lots very close to me who are hurting. I will keep working though to see peace restored in broken lives and families around us.
Maybe this is a good thing to do every month.