Friday, April 24, 2009

The kids are watching...

Reflections of my day.

Innocence is born, not acquired.
It can't be bought with dollars.
There is no refund policy.
It never defaults back to what it should be.

Our words, our violence, our sexuality are the weather that corrode it.
Let them hold it, at least for a little.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Interesting periods of time....

This is me kicking off blogging again.

Our journey here in our little community has been really interesting. I'll speak for myself at least. I feel that I spent the first year of the last three really re-drawing the lines for me, cutting ties and setting the ship to sail on new uncharted waters. Then came year two, an equally challenging year, with plenty of forming and re-shaping, but with a lot more thinking that if things are to change than it is to be from me, or that I'm going to have to have my fingers in the pie, to initiate anything. Then comes now, and I feel that I'm standing on the brink of things that I can't touch or see, with my chest full of nervous knots, my mind and heart broken from love, my spirit alive and vibrant; holding in my hand something fragile and mystical, feeling altogether ship wrecked, yet semi-pieced together, and altogether sure of the perfectness of the road ahead.
I give thanks to the Great Spirit who has placed us on this journey with each other, not just the the 14 or so of us, but all of the people that have caused me to break again and again, from the grandmothers who want to see their children thrive, the silly young parents misguiding their children like puppets for kicks, to the kids who are trying to make sense of everything in and beyond their world. As if they are holding out candles in the dark, hoping for someone to hold and guide them. These are the people that have taught me love,grace and peace. The ones who have helped me see Gods heart and face, every time I open the door, I can't help but see something Godly. When Melody sends me to the door to say not now we need a break, I always come in with someone.
I have been pursued for a time now by the notion that God heals the sick... interesting topic, but not for now. I have also been re-awakened to the fact that to every action their is a re-action, and thus to all that has happened within our neighborhood, we are experiencing a lot of flack. I recently been seeing many spirits who have bought with them nothing but harm. I feel like I have had to re-step into old shoes to walk new roads, but this time the shoes seem to hold a bit more meaning, they make a little more sense, they fit more as they should. I am appreciative that He leaves things in our closet for later times, when they will all make sense.
I am so ever thankful for this journey. I am humbled by the opposition to it, I pray that we will never lose it, this way at least I will know that we are probably moving towards God.

Fat Preddy's Drop sum it up.

Learning to breathe again
for the first time
In so long now

Learning to see again
through my pride

Learning to speak again
from my heart

Learning to be a friend
for the first time
for the first time
in so long