Some of the young people I meet seemingly have nothing going for them, but have something within them that knows of life and Jesus that I don’t think I know. There is a Holy place within them. I think. Sometimes I don’t know if I can see it, but other times when they are telling me their story, I feel like I’m on Holy Ground. I don’t ever know what to do with their stories. I never feel like the answers are there for me to pull out. (Maybe that’s good) All I can ever do is listen.
Pictures like this: (thanks Banksy)

Speak 1000 words to me. Words of loss, of hopelessness, but of reality.
I met a man the other day, his name was Richard, he is my friend. He lives in a park. Richard was a man who had a speech impediment, which made him very difficult to understand. Richard said many people pass him on the street and ask him if he is ok. He said that they never really stop to hear or understand his answer.
The part of Richard that I saw was that of a saint. I know that I do not know Richard or what he is capable of, I don’t know what he’s done, but that’s ok. To me Richard is still a saint.
What am I supposed to do if someone tells me about my friend Richard? What do I do if I learn about Richard’s past? What happens to the Richard I saw, Richard the saint?
My friend Daniel sings a song called John Lennon. (His web site is linked to the blog under
Mr T)
Daniel Townsend:
My preacher still teaches that Jesus can be only be found with eyes closed while you pray.
That’s ok for him to say, but I drove through the city today and I saw Jesus begging for change. Out in the rain.”In the Words of another friend:
You’ve heard it before to love your neighbour and then to hate your enemy. But I say love your enemies! If you only love those who love you, what’s the good of that? Even sinners do that. Instead, I want you to be perfect like your Farther in heaven is perfect.Jesus
The risk of living and giving all that I am for the kingdom is so massive, and I don’t know if have taken it into full account. Often I feel like the young lawyer. I've got all the best intentions, but the call of safety and security don't measure up with the possible losses that I could face.
I’m so scared.