Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I was trying to find something to make me laugh this morning, so I thought I’d check out the brick testament. I know it’s nothing amazing, or profoundly biblical but at least funny. Here are my two favourite pictures from two different stories today


Can you get a camel through the eye of a needle?

I have been chatting with a mate lately about the way Launceston City Council (I only highlight them because I see the result of their choices) and Launceston Churches alike spend their dollars.

Three things in the last month:
- Public Art work: $100 000 (I like art as much as the next person and appreciate that it is a good thing to invest money in, but I think that we have more pressing issues to face.)
- A proposed prayer Tower: (cost unknown but she’s not going to be cheap: I estimate $200 000
- Jesus, All About Life Ad campaign: $250 000

Now I know that each of these comes with a reason and a hope. I pray that I’m wrong and that the last two are a blessing to people.
However I don’t seem to link how any of these things are helping the drastically high rate of suicide, or the amount of people waiting for a house, or the increased rates of youth detention rates, or the downsizing of the public sector, or the increase of mental health issues.
What frustrates me about the council is that they know the issues, yet seemingly do nothing. (For instance the state Government promised a small $400 000 (I think, correct me if I’m wrong) for Public Housing and instead decided that the money would be better off being spent on the naming rights for the Hawks AFL team).
I would not imagine that keeping a community afloat that has many different people and sub-cultures within it an easy feat; but (it may just be me) the $’s seem to be spent on things that will only protect/enhance the lives of the wealthy.

Now on a similar vein to the Council the Launceston; Christian Community (Generally speaking) seem only interested in the enhancement of their own names/churches.
I stole this from Supermarket Monkey, who stole it from Jon, but I thought it would be worth adding to the mix again.

"When the Church takes on and espouses the values of the mainstream culture it loses its ability to be the bearer of Good News. All it can then become is the “bearer of Good Advice” (Frances McNutt)."

For too long I think that the Church has been just the bearer of Good Advice.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, said that:

“A true follower of Jesus wouldn’t make a good citizen!”

At the time, this landed Jean in hot water. I wonder what it means for us as disciples of Jesus. I don’t want to sanitise him, or confuse him with our culture.

Now on a personal note I wonder about the path that Jesus expects us to walk. On Sunday night at our team meeting, I made a comment about wanting to learn what it means to give others all that I have, and trust Jesus in the giving. Like Jesus asked of us. Not thinking too much of it, I get a phone call last night by a friend that I’ve only recently met asking if I could go guarantor for him so that he and his partner and 3 month old son can move into their own house. Mel and I were the last straw and he had to let the real estate know by the next day otherwise they would miss out. We spent a good whack of time talking and praying about what to do. (almost) Everything in us said that is a stupid investment, you could lose precious $’s you are not rich yourself, what if it falls apart… I thank God for a woman like Mel in my life that can help me connect with God and his will, instead of being a victim to the ‘sensible thing to do’. It turned out that someone else actually came to the party and went guarantor for him; but I wonder about how many things start out with the best intentions like my comment, but when the rubber hits the road, everything gets skewed. I wonder if it is about the fear of losing everything invested. I don’t know I’m just thinking out loud now, I’ll leave this behemoth here… Maybe I’m too cynical.

I would love to hear thoughts, on the above.


At 12:58 pm, March 20, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My sence is religion loses power to give hope as it emulates cultre. We somethimes forget
relevance will also include the recognition that the church becomes relevant precisely by offering something that the mainstream culture does not.

At 3:22 pm, March 20, 2007, Blogger Josh and Melody said...

Pangas... thats dead on. You want to take my place here mate. She's all yours. I just dribble, I think you could add so much more than I do.
We need to make sure that the something different offered is actaully different. It is far to easy for us to give things a different name but run with the same thinking. Being truely different is scarey. God help us.

At 3:39 pm, March 20, 2007, Blogger Grubb said...

Your posts are far from dribble mate. You have awesome thoughts to offer us, why do you think we keep coming back to read?

I agree fully about this. Church has to be counter-cultural if only in the way it opposes greed by offering generosity and hospitality.

So many people are hurt by Christians being judgemental about sin when Jesus himself wasn't. If we are to follow him, we have to provide acceptance and kindness where there currently isn't any.

At 9:50 pm, March 20, 2007, Blogger Tim Jeffries said...

Interesting personal story Josh. We've been in a few similar situation recently and as you read on my blog have also got a bit burnt. When I was at the Forge Summit the other day I had the opportunity to ask Dave Andrews (from the Waiter's Union) a few questions about this kind of stuff. He said a bunch of smart things to me, but this one really stuck in my head.

'You have to ask yourself when you get up in the morning - what can I risk today, that if it blows up in my face, won't kill me?'

He certainly wasn't saying that you should just cop out and only do what you want to do. But that even though we want to follow the path of Jesus and risk everything, we still have limits. We might want to model ourselves on Jesus, but we aren't him. So we have to know ourselves deeply and continue to become more selfless and servanthearted but recognise our limitations and work within them.

Keep at it bro, the fact that you are asking the questions and putting yourself out there is a great sign that you are journeying in the right direction. God Bless ya both!

At 1:49 pm, March 21, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, I look forward to reading your blogs keep it up man. you say and ster up some important stuff.

At 1:52 pm, April 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...


spending $ on art = JUSTIFIED
spending $ on Prayer Tower = PROBABLY NON-JUSTIFIED
spending $ on JESUS branding = PROBABLY NON-JUSTIFIED
spending $ on TAS Hawks = BLOODY NON-JUSTIFIED
spending $ on Pulp Mill = F'KN NON-JUSTIFIED + NOT WANTED.. PISS OFF GUNNS!!

*INDEMNITY* (ANGELS Law Firm) God wishes to apologise for his use of swearing.. sometimes he gets a little carried away. Plz don't sue


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